Friday, August 17, 2007

If Life Came With A Road Map

Today I was thinking about my friends. It seems we are all so similar in our desire to make the right choices in life, base our choices on the right reasons, with the right motivation, etc. Yet, somehow, at varying stages in life, we all wonder "what if" about this or that choice. What if I had done things differently? What if I had taken another path? What if I studied that subject instead, or went into that field instead?

Everyone can ask these questions, and a good many of us do. Sometimes it helps to evaluate where we are now, and where we'd like to be as we continue on in life. Sometimes it serves no purpose but to heap more depression and guilt, and more of a sense of failure for not being or doing what one likes. Sometimes it leaves us grateful for the path we've chosen, regardless of the stumbling blocks we may face at times.

If only life came with a map for each person, handed to new moms to guide their children in youth toward the EXACT purpose intended for them, and then handed to the young adult to follow when leaving home to head out into life in the world. If only... A map could make the choices easier. Actually, it would leave no need for choices, or show us which paths get us to the goal target, even if not directly (little side trips that could add some fun and adventure while still heading in the generally right direction). If only it was all printed out for us, colors, a slide show, and all. Then free will, still an option, would be to use the map or toss it to the wind.

I've discovered a secret. It is not meant to be kept secret though, so I'm going to tell you it in case nobody else has. There is a map! There is a map, a buried treasure, and an adventure, all in one, and we each have one! This is exciting good news indeed!

"I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life" OMG!! There it is, buried in that bit of information told us by Jesus... The Map, The Goal, and The Adventure...all in One!

As kids we may or may not see our parents ask directions when lost. A lot depends upon the ego of the one lost, the pride. Can a parent admit s/he needs guidance? Does s/he stop and ask along the way, "How do I get to...from here?"
If we don't see our parents humble it's hard to learn humility. If we don't see them pray and ask guidance from the MapMaker, it's hard to learn that prayer helps us come to a spiritual discernment in our own lives. It's hard to ask another for direction, even when hopelessly lost, seeing no Light at the end of the road, no candle in any window, no friendly faces along the road. Instead we can end up cursing the day we began the journey of life, cursing the darkness and trusting nobody for assistance.

Parents really must show their kids the humility of seeking direction in life. Show them how to pray, show them how to seek trusted others to ask guidance. Friends need to help one another do this too, especially if parents did not or could not do so, or the cycle of being Lost continues, generation to generation.

Spiritual Discernment is a rich tradition in the Christian Church. There are those with a true gift who are trained and willing to share it, to walk the path of the Lord with others and encourage them along the Way.

We do have the Map. Thanks be to God!

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